Complaints Handling Procedure

Hurford Salvi Carr Property Management Limited prides itself on the professionalism of its management service. From time to time however problems arise which may lead to complaints and we have adopted the following complaints procedure:

  1. If you wish to make a complaint or have a query regarding a potential complaint, then please do not hesitate to contact the Property Manager for your building in the first instance. An acknowledgement of the complaint will be sent within 3 working days.
  2. At this stage we will provide you with our understanding of your case and will write inviting you for any further comments that you may wish to make or seek clarification of any relevant matters.
  3. If the matter cannot be resolved, we would ask you to put your complain in writing to our Chief Executive Officer, Colleen Jones, to ensure it can be investigated fully. We will confirm receipt of your written complaint within 7 working days.
  4. Within 15 days of receipt of your written complaint, we will write to you to inform you of the outcome of our internal investigation into your complaint and let you know our initial findings. If we cannot resolve the matter we will advise what further steps may be taken.
  5. If you are still not satisfied after the last stage of the in-house complaint procedure (or more than 8 weeks have elapsed since the complaint was first made) you can request an independent review from The Property Ombudsman without charge.

    The Property Ombudsman Ltd
    Milford House
    43-55 Milford Street
    Salisbury Wiltshire
    SP1 2BP

    Tel: 01722 333306